Saturday, March 31, 2007

I Guess I Like Water Beds

This weekend Graham, Brian, Jacques, Chris and I loaded up in Party Pete (the affectionate nick-name of their all black Subaru with silver side view mirrors and an annoying muffler tip) and traveled South-West to Mt. Cook. The goal was to do Ball Pass (route seen below), a slightly glaciated high alpine pass with supposed incredible vistas of Mt Cook, but the weather had different ideas.

Upon arrival at the Department of Conservation offices we were told that the forecast was grim, but we retained hope, set up camp and began dreaming of the glories to follow the next day. Throughout the night a steady rainfall could be heard on the outside of our rain fly, washing some of our hope with each drop. Still, certain anticipation remained through the night, only to be more or less shattered by the discovery of a few inches of standing water underneath the tent. A grim forecast indeed. I guess before you get to go ijout on a trip like this one you have got to pay your dues.

Not wanting the money we spent renting gear to be entirely in vein we took this picture of Graham. He’s hoping to have scored a few more core (as in hardcore) points for this one.

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