Eight of us had an opportunity last weekend to travel into Arthur's Pass National Park for a 4 day backpacking trip--except they call it 'tramping' and not backpacking here and for good reason. None of us had ever seen country like this. We saw rugged ore peaks which seemed to have just shot up from valley floors, rivers so clear and blue you could count the gigantic trout in them, massive glaciers which still exist today below 10,000 feet, temperate rain forests, tundra, prairie...I wouldn't have imagined so much country to be in 44 kilometers. Below are some pictures from the trip.
This incredible setting and grand journey provided an awesome opportunity to get to know 7 people who I adore. I believe that there is no better place to do learn about people and from people than in the backcountry, and after this trip I couldn't be more thankful for the people surrounding me. So Graham, Brian, Jeremy, Pinecone, Annika, Jaucques, Chris--cheers to an amazing adventure!
I'm jealous. And with pictures like that, who cares what you write. Kidding. Sort of. Don't get a big head either. We all know it's the Rebel.
Aaron's comment deserves a ditto all around. Let's hope the re-start lives longer than two posts.
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