Monday, April 30, 2007
Leave only footprints, take only pictures
Sunday, April 22, 2007
On the Move
When I said 'returned' what I meant was temporarily landed in Queenstown. We are leaving this afternoon to see what still awaits us before we return to Christchurch next Sunday. Actually, the only reason I got a second to write was becuase I am waiting for my laundry to dry in the next room.
Extended stories and pictures should follow at a later date, but for now more adventures await.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
I Have All F's
Here at
This, to me, seems like a much better way of doing grades. It is a positive feedback system, one where you feel as though you are making the difference for your grade with each amount of work you put into a paper or studying for an exam. The understanding is that your effort is what counts, not your abilities to not screw up.
When discussing this system of grading with others here at
Grace is a term commonly thrown around in Christian circles. ‘Saved by Grace’ is a phrase which few followers of Christ would hesitate to identify with. But perhaps my understanding of being saved by grace has gotten a little skewed somewhere in the journey. When I think of being saved by grace, sometimes I think that my idea of this is being taken to from zero to one hundred—and then the goal is not to screw up. Then, when inevitably I do screw up, where does that leave me?
There are several implications of being afraid of ‘messing up’ all the time. The first of which is that we are thereby bound by fear. We become slaves to legalism and render ourselves less able to function as someone who really is saved by grace. Also, I often find myself feeling like I am earning my way into good standing with God. That by being disciplined and not screwing up I am assuring that grace is still mine, which defeats the whole purpose.
Instead, I think that grace is always there, and instead of ‘getting’ grace we ‘accept’ it. It is free for the taking, always beckoning us to just rest in it. And then instead of fighting against the chains of legalism and self perpetuation we become free. Free to bask in the radiant grace which blankets us, free to turn in thankfulness for this grace and free to assume the identity which was always meant for us.
Don’t get me wrong, I think that church, a good book, some discipline, or things that can be considered 'good things' are sometimes just that, good things. Actually, I think they can be some of the most beautiful things that we can experience, but when they become our relationship with Jesus, when they become our way of earning grace, we have rendered them useless.
Monday, April 2, 2007
A little trivial knowledge: Helen Clark, the current New Zealand Prime Minister has climbed Mt Kilimanjaro...twice.
Chris' Dad got in this morning and I can't wait for the three of us to get out and see some more country! We are heading down to Fiordland National Park and are going to Hike the Routeburn track. Those who have already been there tell me it is some of the most beautiful hiking a person can do, we are all quite excited.
I am not sure if I will be able to post very frequently for a while. Finishing this mass of work marks the start of a three week break during which time I do not plan on being in front of a computer too often, perhaps occasionally though.

I like the collage idea Brianne. Here's mine: people and times that I miss.